More than 80 percent of the Indian population have some level of gum (periodontal) disease. It is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults.
Gum disease is an infection in the mouth caused by plaque. Initially, there is little or no pain and symptoms are mild. Many patients who do not maintain regular dental examinations don’t realize they have a problem until they notice loose teeth.

What is plaque?

Plaque is a sticky substance emitted by bacteria in the mouth, which coats the teeth and irritate the gum tissue, leading to infection. This early stage is called gingivitis,and may result in gums that look red or bleed. As it progresses, plaque develops into hard calculus. The irritation from calculus creates pockets around tooth roots, a perfect environment for the infection to flourish further. Eventually, gum disease not only breaks down soft tissues which support teeth, it begins to destroy underlying bone, as well. Teeth become loose and ultimately fall out or must be extracted.

In most cases, gum disease may be prevented with good oral hygiene

Prevention of gum disease can be as simple as brushing after meals, daily flossing, and visits to the dentist at least twice per year.
The impact of gum disease on your health goes beyond tooth loss.

Bacterial infiltration is linked to heart disease and other serious systemic illness. Prevention and early management of gum disease is critical to your overall wellbeing.