Do you have dental anxiety? Millions of people feel anxious about visiting the dentist. They worry that their procedure will be too uncomfortable and that they’ll experience tooth sensitivity.

We strive to create the most comfortable environment and experience imaginable. Our doctors are certified to provide our patients with a worry-free experience by utilizing sedation dentistry.

Our sedation dentistry will allow you to:

 Feel relaxed while you let your dental team improve your health and appearance
 Daydream or rest your eyes during your appointment
 Trust your dental team and feel no concern throughout your procedure
 Be free from discomfort and pain
 Complete a long treatment or several treatments all in one visit
 Forget the details of the appointment
 Feel that the appointment passes quickly

We provide two sedation dentistry options so that our patients can pick which method is best for them. The conscious sedation techniques we offer are:

Nitrous Oxide Sedation | Breathing in nitrous oxide will help you feel at ease during your appointment. You will breathe the nitrous oxide in through a mask that is placed over your nose. The nitrous oxide will produce a light, content feeling that will last throughout your time with us.

Oral Conscious Sedation | Oral conscious sedation just requires taking a pill before your appointment. The anti-anxiety medication will help you feel calm and to know that you will be comfortable during your visit.

Both of our options are forms of conscious sedation. Conscious sedation enables you to respond to your dentist’s questions and commands, which makes the procedure easier and faster. At the same time, you will not feel any concern or worry about the procedure.